Want to read more classics?
Not sure where to start?
Think that some encouragement from others may be what you need?
Well- I have the answer for you! ;)
A few of us on the floor have decided to challenge ourselves to read a top 100 classic novels list in the next three years.
(We also have a Facebook page if you would like to go that rout...search 100 classics in three years (aka Hemingway sucks).
If you are like me (first heaven help you) and second- you don't read enough of the classics. So... here is the plan (Stan).
The Goal is to read all of the books on a top 100 classic novels list
http://www.thebest100lists.com/best100novels/...minus Hemingway (because I am just not a fan) in the next three years. That averages out to about 3 books a month depending on how many of them you have already covered in the past three years.
Sound overwhelming...don't let it be. Even if we get to the three year mark, and you find you have read only 80, 50, or even 25 on the list-- it's more than you would have read to that point anyway so GOOD FOR YOU!! :)
The Rules:
1)You can start by crossing all four Hemingway books off your list now...right now. Good job. (feels good to know you don't have to suffer through those- right? I KNOW!)
2)Now you may cross off any of the books you have read in the past three years. If you have- good for you ! You deserve this small victory/head start!
Everyone is allowed five substitutions...the books of your choice MUST be classic worthy, however.
4) Have fun, and challenge as many people as you want to this!
Keep everyone updated.
Are you so tearing through this list so fast that you are occasionally looking back through the dust and haze only to cackle to yourself in an evil fashion...(JA JA JA)?
Or...are you more like me, and need some water to choke down the all that dust you are eating??
Whatever! Just do your best, keep pluggin along, and in the end you will find yourself better read than when you began! :)
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