Sunday, March 21, 2010

Letters from Meredith...

Hola, family and friends! I can't believe I've been in the MTC for four weeks! I'm pretty much halfway through. Hooray! First off, thank you Brittany, Eimi, Katy, and Grandma Vesa for your letters! I loved them! I'm going to try and write to you all today. This past week has been really busy! I finished my medical training last Wednesday. It's nice to have it done. I won't know my specific assignments until I get down to Paraguay. I got this huge first aid kit and I'm way excited to have it! Last night, Elder Quentin L. Cook of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles was our devotional speaker. We didn't know it was him until he walked in. They didn't put his picture on the projector until right before the meeting started. We were all suspicious that it might be an apostle, then ten minutes later, they reminded us to stand up if an Apostle walks in. Suspicions confirmed! There was such a wonderful spirit in the room when he walked in. All the whispering died down and everyone was completely quiet. His talk was amazing! He reminded us to be humble and use the resources we have been given in our teaching. He told us that we might feel inadequate, but we can testify of Jesus Christ and that's all that matters. Spanish is going really well. We play lots of fun games in our class to learn the vocabulary. Our favorite is "Sequeman Las Papas," which is like Hot Potato. We always end up laughing so hard we're crying. The other day, we played and Elder Te'O hit Hermano Taylor in the head twice. It was hilarious! Great district bonding moments. Last night, Hermana and I taught at the TRC. We had a great lesson about the Plan of Salvation and the Word of Wisdom. We taught Napoleon, a native Spanish speaker who has been volunteering at the MTC for seven years. After sharing two scriptures with him, he proceeded to teach us a 45-minute lesson about the Restoration and the Plan of Salvation. It was crazy! I felt drained when we walked out. I learned a lot from him, though, but it was a little bit of a disappointing teaching experience. Coordinating sister is going well. I don't do a whole lot, but I've really tried to be a good example to the other hermanas and help them with anything that they need. Spanish speaking is coming pretty well. Hermana Cooper and I have really tried to step it up and only speak in Spanish. We do pretty well. Our sentences are kind of choppy, but we understand what we're trying to say. I think my first few months in Paraguay are going to be a rude awakening as far as the language is concerned, especially because they speak in a different dialect. Well, my time is almost up. Thank you for the letters and support! I'm so grateful for all of you. Thank you, Jeanice, for always forwarding my e-mails. I love you! You're the best! Oh, Emily G., if you're getting this, I would love to hear how things are working out for you. Any fourth floor friends who are reading this, I saw Cindy and Lorretta at the temple today and thought of you all. I miss you and hope all is well! Yo se que la iglesia es verdadera. Yo se que Jesucristo es nuestro Salvador, y nos ama. I would love to hear from all of you! Have a wonderful week! Con mucho amor, Hermana Meredith Cozzens

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